Friday, January 8, 2010

After the divorce? Christian advice...?

What do I do? I am currently going through a divorce and finding it difficult to move on and ahead with my life. My husband and I were only married a little over a year and I never wanted the divorce. It is hard trying to make a new life without him and it's so weird. Did anyone ever feel like this? I am going to start christian counseling soon but any christian advice or thoughts would help. I am just having mixed feelings about the divorce. Also, I feel I never got any closure..he hasn't spoken with me since june 2008 and he actually had his parents tell me he didn't want to be with me. I am 20 , he is 22. Any christian advice or thoughts on what to do? I've been growing closer to God and my relationship with Him is strong, but I still find it difficult to accept this divorce.

Note: Anyone who leaves crude or offensive comments will be deleted! Please help...After the divorce? Christian advice...?
You are already well on your way to healing by drawing near to The Father. We all know that divorce was never God's Plan for His children, but as humans we make choices for our lives.

Time and space will heal your wounds. Just take one day at a time and try to see through the Eyes of your Spirit. Meditate upon the things that you do have: Eyes to see, hands to feel, a heart to love, and a Life to live.

Your story is being written day by day. You'll be OK.. and who knows what tomorrow holds? Live today. Praying for you....After the divorce? Christian advice...?
Have faith. God will answer this question for you. Pray about it. Only He truly knows your individual situation. Knock on His door, He will answer you. This might sound vague- but if you give things some time- God will make his plan apparent to you. God can move mountains, He loves you so much, He has wonderful things planned for you, let him take the reigns.
In my opinion, not really Christian but have gone to church numerous times, he was just not the right person for you.

He wasn't just the right man and there is another one who will dramatically change your life. Who is right for you and will be your life partner.

I hope this helps.
u are so young, i am sorry! Well, I would just try and focus on you right now. Keep yourself busy and that will help you take your mind off of the divorce. I wouldn't date for aleast a year. Make yourself some goals and work towards them. Keep praying daily and you should be fine... Have any close friends? I would cling onto them. Good Luck
Why do I have to be Christian to give you an opinion or answer? I wonder if you will delete this just because I asked.

Right then my advice is What Would Jesus Do?
you are setting yourself up for negative comments by saying you want Christian advice cause you are cutting out people that can help you. I don't have Christian advice but suggest you look up Elizebeth Kubler-Ross stages of grief. This will explain than it is normal to feel the way you do. A person would go through shock, anger, etc. Well, I am not going to offer anything else b/c I feel like you are going to reject it cause it isn't Christian advice %26amp; that really is going to limit your ability to have good in your life.EDIT: oh, I see you changed what you wrote or edited. I will only ad this to you. If you belief that the ONLY way is that way than that is all you can open to %26amp; you are shutting yourself off dramatically. You are living a very constricted life. It is done unto you as you believe.
I'm not religious but, I will still try to give some hopefully helpful advice.

The break up of any serious relationship is going to be hard. The first thing you need to do is to accept and acknowledge that the relationship is truly over. He wanted the divorce, he didn't want to work things out with you. So there is nothing you can do to change that. He made up his mind and you can't do anything more except to focus on yourself.

You also need to make yourself feel good. Don't worry about jumping on the dating-love bandwagon again just yet. Take time to do something for YOU. Go back to school, get a new career, take up a new hobby, etc. Now is the time to work on raising your self esteem and making yourself feel good.

Don't alienate yourself either. Make new friends, go to church, get involved in community activites, donate your time to charities, and spend time with your family. You need everyone's support now and it will make you feel good to offer your support to other people who may need it more than you.

Take it one day at a time. It won't be easy, especially in the beginning. But as time goes on, you will heal. And when you are stronger and healthier then you can try to find the perfect person to share the rest of your life with. He wasn't the person but, there is someone out there who is. It will just take a lot of time, patience, and love.

Good luck and I wish you all the best!
Having gone through the same - you probably keep wondering ';WHY';?

Why does this happen, we asked Your blessing?

Or, ';Did i do something wrong';?

I think that the best option is to find yourself, and see if you are straight with God. Sometimes a path joins with another person, only to separate again some time later.

Same happened with me, and though i (we) prayed for a solution - there wasn`t any. But, funny enough, both of us felt Gods blessing in the decision to each go our separate way.

What does kind of anger me, is the fact that your ex-husband seems to be a coward. Using his parents to tell you the bad news? Sorry, but that in itself makes me think he was not the right person for you.

Still, people make mistakes, and people get hurt.

I think that, if you really want ';closure'; you can do two things.

Ask him to have a serious talk with you - but then do it on neutral ground (such as a restaurant, or a church (where you don`t go for sunday worship) would be best).

The other thing is to take some time 'off' - go to some other city, holiday home or hotel - and spend a week of reflection and prayer - and forgive. Not for him, but for yourself.

While i realise from my end, it`s easy to say what you should and should not do - finding peace with God is actually the best course of action - no matter what else you decide.

Should you need to talk more, or just want someone who does understand (in part) what you are going through - feel free to drop me a note through my Y!A profile.

Wishing you blessings and all the best for the coming period.

It`s not going to be easy.

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