Friday, April 30, 2010

For those who have been divorced: What 1 piece of advice would you give someone going through a divorce?

Women: Take as much as you can! Then repeat. The laws are on your side.

Men: Salvage what you can and learn your lesson. Marriage is nothing but a contract to give up half your stuff. Do not get married! There's nothing you can get married that you can not have while unmarried:

-Having a lifelong, faithful, committed relationship has nothing to do with being ';married';.

-Owning a beautiful dream home together has nothing to do with being ';married';.

-Rearing healthy, happy, and successful children has nothing to do with being ';married';.

-Building a family and life together has nothing to do with being ';married';.

-Growing old together has nothing to do with being ';married';.

Remaining unmarried gives you the option to walk away as soon as she starts acting a fool. Since when did signing a contract prove your love. If you really love each other a piece of paper to give away half your stuff shouldn't matter.For those who have been divorced: What 1 piece of advice would you give someone going through a divorce?
You are so right. Thank you.

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For those who have been divorced: What 1 piece of advice would you give someone going through a divorce?
Stay dignified and don't play games.
Don't be bitter. If it is your partner leaving and children are involved, try to put your feelings aside, it is not as hard on you as them. If your ex has someone else in their life as long as they are good to your children don't hold that against him/her, be glad they are kind to your children.

Life gives us lemons so make some lemonade.
If there are children involved please make it as easy on them as possible. Don't use them to get even with your soon to be ex. Be careful in the future who you have your kids around.
';Now that you're going through this, LEARN THE LESSONS WELL and never make the same mistake twice.';
Don't let the hurt feelings make you vindictive and bitter. Be fair but stand up for yourself. NEVER use your children as go betweens or prizes to be fought over.
just do it. the only regret i have - i didn't do it like 10 years earlier
It's not easy to go through, but it helps if you have some kind of support system. Journal, pray, talk with others, do whatever you can think of to get through the tough time. There are some very helpful divorce groups in some cities. I once belonged to one. It gets better with time. Now I can look back and think it was the best thing that could have happened and wish it had happened years earlier. You are stronger than you ever imagined. Hang in there.
don't jump into another relationship....take some time for yourself.
Hello it has been a long time since my divorce but I remember,never give up on love and never take baggage from your marriage into your next relationship or marriage, and if any of the reasons why your first marriage did not work remember to fix the part that you had something to do with before ever entering another relationship.Take your time.
Keep a cool head at all time's, and never discuss private issue's, in front of the children, you are not divorcing them ,so they should not be present, divide all in half no matter what'; it can all be bought again , make's lawyer's crazy when you do that, and if you still can above all, ' be friend's ';.

P.S. please, when asked to stay away ,' do so ', It is difficult for both of you at this time , and give each other time to mourn this loss and ending of a marriage

It reallty does hurt,' never happen to me but to my family.
Make sure this is not a rash decision and that life apart from them is better than being with them.

If you have no choice because they want the divorce, do NOT focus on the things that brought you together to make that vow, that will only make it hurt more. Focus on the negative and things that broke you up and are keeping you apart.

Find yourself.
I have been divorced officially since November 29, 07, just got the papers in the mail. The one piece of advise I would give you is just to know that if either or both of you is wanting a divorce, then their is obviously reason and you'll probably both be happier in the end. My husband didn't want our divorce, but I told him you will be happier once you get over the pain, and sure enough now he is. Just try and stay friends if possible, especially if you have kids. And remember it's not easy, even if your the one wanting the divorce, but it gets better with time.

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