I have noticed in questions that are posted on what individuals should do when it comes to saving a marriage or divorcing that the individuals that are divorced tend to lean to divorce and those that are married tend to lean to marriage. Now I know that it depends on the situation, but I would like to know where most people draw the line when it comes to staying in a marriage and divorcing. If you had to make a decision whether to stay married or get divorced, let me know what your thought process was and how that effects the advice that you give to others ';caught in the middle';. Best answer of course gets 10 pts.Here is a question that has come up in conversations with others. Advice on staying together or divorce?
Well I am divorced and remarried to another man whom I love so much. The first divorce was not my choice, I would not have chosen that route but he left and wouldn't come back so that was that. My present husband and I have our problems which we are going to counseling for, we are putting in the effort and that is the difference, I will not divorce this husband either because I believe no matter who you are married to you will have problems so you might as well work them out with the one you are with now instead of finding someone else to go through the same things with. So I say stay married as long as there is not any abuse going on.Here is a question that has come up in conversations with others. Advice on staying together or divorce?
okay well first if all they say that marriage is suppossed to be forever , so chose wisely however my thought process is like this it really depends if the person has enough heart has enough love to stay married to a person whom has ';broken the bond'; example if someone cheats during the course of the marriage and breaks his/ or her words that they both swore on in front of witnesses and god whom watches it all , that would be evidence enough to divorce or seperate unless they can for give and move on and learn that is for better or worse but some people are truly unhappy and leave like i said because they broke the vow then it its understanable to want to let the union dissolve because some people just dont learn until you give them the cold and hard fact that it is a cruel world sometimes and if you want to make it even crueler to you r partner than they deserve to be left be divorced to learn - ';IF '; they ever do on their own .. if thats the way they want to live than by all means you should let them because its their road they chose; their life and thier sins which they pay for during and at the end of life..
Speaking from past experience, I had to get divorced. Abusive relationships with children was not the way to go. I was married for 7 yrs. and separated for 3 1/2 of those yrs. Marriage is a beautiful thing especially when two people truly love each other. So I don't go knocking people and say get a divorce. Now speaking on some one Else's aspects can be tricky depending on the situation as stated. If the situation is very disturbing then yes a divorce may be needed or just some counseling. Or even maybe a separation. Some people can work out their own issues depending the on the situation again as stated.
I'm married, and I think the only reason I would personally get divorced is if my husband had an affair. I believe that marriage is sacred and that now a days people get married and divorced too quickly. Marriage is a commitment for life and shouldn't be taken lightly. Once you make a big decision you have to live with the consequences.
People give up too easily when things get hard. Every marriage has a rough patch sometime, you just have to work through it. Put in some effort before throwing in the towel. For some people divorce might be the best option but you should at least try to make it work pretty hard before giving up.
To me the only reason most couples should divorce is because of an affair or one person is being abusive or has an addiction they can't overcome (and has tried to) that is destroying both lives. But try to see if you can solve the problem first.
That is my opinion. When I married my husband I meant every word of my vows.
Well my situation is sorta unique. My husband of 15 months just keeps leaving me every little argument. I mean to give an example the last time he decided to leave was because I applied for the Big Brother program for my son. They found a match and he gave me an ultimatum. If I kept the appointment he was leaving again. Well my reasons for the program to begin with is to give my son stability when it comes to male role models. I guess he felt like his toes were stepped on and told me another man was not replacing him. Although we haven't seen or heard from him in 3 weeks. The last time he left (6 mo ago) was because I got mad over him NOT keeping his ex in her place and voiced my opinion and ';again'; he left. (7-8 times now) I had to come to terms that this is just a tip of a bigger problem that I'm not even aware that was before us. At this time he promised my kids he wouldn't just abandon them again and if anything happened between mom and him he would stay in contact.
Over the short time we've been together we've been to counseling (3 different) and I would work on the issues that I needed to work on to save our marriage and he would ';until'; an issue came up and all was forgotten.
In the beginning of this marriage I did believe many things I was told by him. I always said I can only believe what I'm told until I find out differently. During this marriage I've now got 7 ulcers and went through a depression. I desperately wanted my marriage. We were married under God and I just couldn't let go.
I told him if we didn't stay in church and become one with Christ that we wouldn't make it. He seemed like he agreed and would make a good attempt but in the end I wasn't comfortable because we would go and he would accuse me of looking at other men. I never did. Not in that way. So that hurt.
My husband didn't trust me and I had to learn that ';he'; has to work that out for himself and I can't fix him. He came into my life with alot of baggage but I thought things would work themselves out but by ';running'; nothing can work out. I lost trust as far as thinking he was going to be around and give me the stability I needed.
The sad part is that I could contact him (work, i don't know where he's even staying) and say,';lets work this out';, and he would be right back.
I had to make a decision. And through lots of counseling and developing my confidence again (thought it was gone) I decided to leave him alone and move forward with my life and the lives of my kids. My kids are first and I had to remind myself of that and make a decision. Not an easy one I assure you.
I've contacted a Lawyer Assoc. and I haven't actually filed but I intend to. I've finally let go and believe this was not a decision I made easily. I loved my family with everything I had in me but I need to move on and allow him to do the same.
If a person can admit a problem and do everything to correct it or try to do better they will prosper but when in denial there isn't any help. You got to want to help yourself first.
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