Sunday, December 27, 2009

My husband and I can not agree on arrangments for our newborn son pertaining to our divorce any advice?

I want the best for our son truly I do. I want my husband to be apart of his life completly in everyway I can facilitate but he has a history of drugs and alchohol and when he is not clean and sober he is abusive, and neglectfull. He has not been sober for longer than 2 months in our marriage of 2 years. He has been in and out of jail and I think if we go throught the divorce process I would win because my evidence is substantial but I hate fighting, and just want to settle this but he refuses anything other than joint custody and wants my son in his mothers house (whom is also a drug attic) with him 50 percent of the time. I can not get him to see the concerns or that it is unrealistic, he is not in treatment and not always sober but fighting is going to take so much money I dont know what to do, he got drunk and left his niece alone...any suggestions?My husband and I can not agree on arrangments for our newborn son pertaining to our divorce any advice?
get a public defender. or someone that will fight pro bono for you. it looks like you are going to have to fight him by the way he is acting so you might as well do it now.My husband and I can not agree on arrangments for our newborn son pertaining to our divorce any advice?
well no matter what im sorry you had a not so well life with him divorce not realy an answer asking yahoo and the members cant really do anything but advice and thats what im gonna give to you split half way for now see if he wants and will change to better the life between you both i know its hard to have to drag rather for him to want to to it but get him help be by his side and show him that you care and you want to save it rather then throw it all away i wish you luck and all and if you want someone to talk with just send me a instent message ok take care
My friend just went though this in Maine and she got SOLE custody.....take out a loan or ask for public assistance. They...the court will make him have supervised visits and also drug tests...random drug testing as will win I think....don't let $$$$ stop you...your child is more important than a new car or wardrobe. BTW, why did you MARRY this man? But mostly,why did you let him father your child?
You need to do whats best for your son fight for him all the way!And don't let the son go live with his mother that is wrong YOU are the mom not her. FIGHT FOR YOUR SON. Good luck to you and your son and God Bless
You have to fight him in court. Do not have joint custody. Let him have visitation with no over nights. My father was(still is) an alcoholic. My mom tried the joint custody thing and it didn't work, he drank when he was supposed to be caring for us. My mom took him back to court and changed him to having visitation 3 times per week for 3 hrs each visit, and in the beginning the visits were supervised. If you get a public defender the costs won't be bad. You can't let this slip by though, you have to protect your child, especially a newborn baby. A baby can't be left unsupervised at all for any amount of time. If he shows responsibility during visitation you can allow him more time. After my father straightened up my mom let him take us camping and stuff. He had to show that he wouldn't be drinking while we were with him though. As a mother it is your 1st and foremost job to put your child's safety first, forget any fears or aversions you have and look out for your child. Remember if anything happens to that baby you will blame yourself if you do nothing to protect him.
go to court for custody when all is going on have your atty. request that both of you are drug tested (you better be clean) then ask for custody and your x to have visitation but no matter what both of you need to be part of the childs life
You have no problem here. With his documented (jail/police reports) history of drugs and alcohol, you will automatically be awarded child custody (as long as you have no child or drug abuse charges), child support, the house and possible spousal support. If you agree, he would get state mandated supervised visitation rights with no overnights til he proves hes clean over a lengthy time period. You can get a protective restraining order for you and your son if needbe. With his history, he has nothing to stand on in court but thats his wn fault and not yours. Good luck
If it was my baby no alcoholic looser would be allowed to even look in my baby's direction. i would fight with everything i have inside me to make sure dysfunctional family members don't have any rights. i know you dont want to fight and want him to be in the baby's life, but you're gonna have a lot of problems with him getting fucked up, the mother too and not taking care of the kid properly.

if those 2 weeks of sobriety were actually years, MAYBE. but that's just me i'm really protective over the ones i love, i can't even imagine if it was my baby.
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