Sunday, December 27, 2009

Would like advice on divorce?

email me on

would like to know how entitlements are worked out for bothparties durin a divorce?Would like advice on divorce?
wouldnt e-mail but reply here instead..

if there kids involved then the wife always get the kids, also the house and maintenance based on the hubby earnings each month. the hubby has find somewhere else to live, loose the house and maybe the car if the wife has no transport to take the kids to school etc. mainly the wife gets it all, say 60-40 or 70-30 and the hubby looses out. but if no kids involved then the house be sold and whats left after the morgage paid off, will be halfed, along with any other assests involved. also the wife can come after the hubby pension and get half that also due to those funds ment to be for both u when retire.

if both parties willing to settle outside court then details can b worked out together, which can result better for the man. otherwise for any man, pray to be left with some the clothes on ur back, tends to be womans world but then again its the women who are greedy selfish things that take everything off the hubby and depends on the nature of the wife. any decent wife would just sell up and take half what left and do decent maintenance orders etc.. talk it out together and see can settle outside court, less hassel and money for court spent.. goodluck..

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